3 Tricks To Cheat At The Game Of Craps

Craps is a wonderful game played with dice and if you love dice games then you should select craps to play at casinos. Most players especially the ones who are new gamers always look for easy methods to win the game and therefore search for cheats and hacks. But the truth is you end up behind bars if you are caught up cheating at games when playing at land casinos so better understand the game and practice for free first at online casinos and then jump to play with real dollars.
Here we bring to you three tricks to cheat at the game of craps most commonly used by players. Our intention is not to lure you to cheat but to gain information on such hacks at the craps game table so that you know if other player cheats and save yourself. Like a popular cheat for any table game going at real land, casinos that other players might try to steal your chips while you’re involved in the game and not looking.
Craps can be such a high-action game that players often forget to keep an eye on their rail chips. Other cheats will try to collect your bets off the table. Since you are responsible for collecting your own winnings you must be sure to keep track of where your money lies on the craps table. Some players may also try to cheat the house by placing their bet after the decision has been made. This doesn’t hurt you directly but it’s not the kind of play you want to see at your craps table.
Also, there are many players who cheat with the dice. Some players will attempt to slip a pair of altered dice into the game. The alterations may be in the form of a loaded die which can weigh down on one side to increase the odds of a certain number being rolled. Or it can be crooked dice that will have certain sides rounded out and others left flat, again to increase the odds of a certain number.
There are many ways to catch such altered dice. Just hold the sides of the two dice together in and turn them in a very methodical order. You will find that rounded sides will not match up correctly causing the dice to wobble. Also to check for loaded dice try holding each die by the corners between two fingers with little pressure applied you will find that weighted sides will roll over repeatedly.
Cheat At The Game Of Craps
#1 Cheat by Dice Control

Dice control is a way used by cheats to shoot otherwise legal dice in a manner that controls the roll of the dice. If done correctly, dice control causes some numbers to appear more often than others. To do so, you have to set the dice in your hand before the roll. Setting the dice means certain desirable numbers are arranged as you hold the two dice. But this is difficult because casinos have rules against holding dice with two hands. You would have to learn the various dice control methods before getting an accurate idea of whether dice control works.
The most difficult method of cheating is the “whip shot”. The whip shot is a throw that sends both dice spinning on a vertical axis all the way down the table without tumbling over. Most craps supervisors are trained to recognize this throw and modern dice rarely maintain a vertical axis on craps tables equipped with speed bumps and rubber bumpers. An attempt to roll a whip shot will usually result in the box man calling “no roll”.
#2 Cheat by Making Late Bets

Making late bets can be effective in craps, though a cheater has to be quick with a sleight of hands. By making late bets after the result of the roll is known, you take all the guesswork out of dice shooting. In our previous posts, we have talked about this kind of cheat called “past posting” in the game of roulette which is an effective way to cheat, if the cheater and the croupier are colluding. Remember as craps tables have four dealers, making late bets is less effective.
It is much less likely you could get 4 dealers to collude, because of the risk and the need to share winnings 5 ways instead of 2 ways. Even if you did, the chance one of the dealers would rat you out is much higher. Making late bets on your own without dealer help means you have to fool 4 sets of eyes, or 5 if you count the pit boss.
#3 Cheating at Craps with Fixed Dice

There are various methods used by players to fix dice. The risk of using loaded dice is great in legal casinos and private dice games alike. Remember that a craps cheat has to switch their loaded dice with the official dice at the craps table.
One of the ways is weighted dice where the players change the center of mass in the dice, so one side is favoured when rolled. If you weigh the die to the 6-side, then it will be more likely to come up with the number on the other side. The common materials used to weigh a die are lead, platinum, and gold. These are heavier, so you don’t need as much metal to weigh the die.
Most casino cheats weight dice by drilling a hole in one of the dots and placing metal inside. Then they replace the hole in the pip and do their best to assure the die looks natural. A gaming inspector with an expert eye can usually spot an inconsistency, such as a dot that’s deeper than the rest of the dots.
The other way is tappers which are weighted in a more sophisticated manner and makes them harder to spot. Tappers have a shape inside them that looks like a dumbbell, with the dumbbell arranged in such a way that one end is in the middle of the dice and another end is toward one side. This dumbbell is filled with mercury, a weighted metal that is liquid at room temperature.

If the mercury is in the center of the die, then it will seem normally weighted to an expert. Once the game begins, the cheater can “tap” the die to cause the mercury to flow to the side. Some tappers have a tiny ratchet mechanism inside, so the tap manipulates the mechanism. If this method is used, then the tapper needs rubber inside, to keep the die from making noises.
Then there is a way called floaters or “floats” which are dice with hollow insides. Because they weigh slightly less, they float on one end of the dice. This is the opposite of the weighted die, except with the opposite effect. Instead of one number being favoured because its opposite is heavier from metal inserts, one number is favoured because that side is hollowed-out and thus weighs less.
One of the methods also used is Mis-spotted dice which do not have the normal number of spots. Most dice have three sets of opposite sides: 1-6, 2-5, and 3-4. On a mis-spotted die, one or more of the numbers is missing, while one or more of the numbers is doubly represented. Some of the common names given to Mis-spotted dice in the craps cheat are “horses and tees”, “mis-spots”, “tops and bottoms”, and “tops”.

Dice with duplicated numbers generally are easy to spot, but some unobservant dealers might miss them at a casual glance. Mis-spotted dice are an old dice shooter’s trick. In April 2018, Norwegian archaeologists excavated a part of Bergen, Norway and found a set of mis-spotted dice later determined to be from the 15th century.
Often used are shaped dice that do not have an even side on all six sides but are shaped to have a slight curve or parabola, which affects the die roll. If the side is convex or curved like a hill, then that number is not likely to appear, because the dice keep rolling. If the side is concave or indented like a valley, then the dice are likely to land on that number, meaning its opposite number is likelier to appear. To make shaped dice, cheaters heat them and shape them.
Similarly, there are Beveled dice that are made to have one or more convex sides. These raised sides keep the die rolling, so other numbers are more likely to appear on the roll. This is a sub-type of shaped dice.
Suction dice are other kinds of shaped dice with a concave or valley in them and are the opposite of bevelled dice. Due to the suction effect created, the die is more likely to land on the number that is concave.
Raised Spots are another way to affect the roll, much like bevelled dice. In this case, the numbers or pips are raised from the surface of the die, instead of sunken. Because this side of the die has protrusions, it is more likely to keep rolling on the side with the raised spots. This is also easy to spot, either visually or by rubbing one’s finger across the die’s side. That’s why dice with raised spots are not used that often to cheat, but instead are used for practice.
Another way players cheat is by painting the dice and this is done with a transparent substance that makes one or more sides sticky. To make the painted die stickier, the cheater has to get the painted side slightly wet, either from moisture from one’s drink, spittle, or palm sweat. This is a dangerous way to cheat at dice because if the painted dice are too sticky, they might stick to the table, pick up detritus on the table, or stick to another player’s hand.

One way also to use this method is a slick die that has a substance on one side which makes it slicker than normal. This assures the dice will not land on the slick side, changing the craps’ odds. Slick dice are a safer way to cheat at craps because older dice wear a bit and become more polished and slicker. When the slick side is noticed, dealers might well believe they simply need to replace old dice.
Some players in history have stuck a filament of some sort in one of the die’s numbers so that it protrudes and causes the die to slow down when it rolls over that side. Naturally, this eventually will cause the die to come to a stop on the bristled side. Bristled dice sometimes simply are called “bristles”.
Many players create capped dice by shaving off one side and replacing it with a material that looks the same but has different properties. It might be because the new material is heavier, so the die lands on that side more or the new material made that side of the die bouncier, so the die lands on that side less.

Capped dice are effective and hard to spot, except when it gets worn down with use at which point it is easy to spot. Dealers who handle the die might apply pressure to capped dice and learn that one side pushes down more.
So basically it is the dice that players use to cheat often in the game of Craps. Remember again that it is better not to cheat in the game but play for free first to learn the game and play different bets to get the best out of it.
When playing at the land or real casinos keep an eye on your bets and on your chips especially when you win.
These are a few cheats and hacks to cheat at the game of craps.